More to come!
As an alternative to making new filament from recycled materials via a paste
extruder we are aiming to create a true PLA filament that is sublemented with
paper dust creating a polymer to paper ratio that has the ability to yield high
fidelity prints while decreasing the amount of PLA pellets required. For this
we have used some of the allocated budget to purchase a filament extruder that
we can then feed back into the hot end of our 3D printer.Unfortunately due to
some supply chain issues the extruder could not be here in time to test the
alternative filament.
In addition to this process we would like to continue refining the paper /
cardboard filament recipe for higher strength higher fidelity prints. This
process may include a rework of some of the printer modifications and take
some time but will ultimately be worth pursuing for the studio and the study.